city breaks

How to make the most out of city breaks and weekend getaways

A city break (often called a short break or a long weekend getaway) is an ideal way to explore a new destination without committing to an extended vacation. It’s a fantastic way to recharge, experience a new culture, and see some sights in a short amount of time. You can go on a city break to a different country or explore towns and cities where you live. I love city breaks because they let me explore a new destination (or return to one I love) and provide a more exciting way to spend a few days off.

Even when we travelled to Europe from Canada, we mainly included city breaks in our itinerary. Now that we live in Italy, we can visit different places here. City breaks are not limited to long weekends; they are simply a few days in a different city. If you’re thinking of planning a short getaway, this guide will help you make the most of your urban adventure.

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What is a city break?

A city break typically involves spending two to four days in a city. It’s a quick, concentrated burst of exploration, perfect for those with limited vacation time or wanting to escape their routine without embarking on a lengthy trip. City breaks are popular because they offer a mix of cultural experiences, historical exploration, culinary delights, and, often, some retail therapy.

city breaks

Why choose a city break?

Cities usually have many more amenities for travellers, making them ideal for any type of celebration or a quick getaway. Here are some reasons you should consider a city break.

  • Time-efficient: City breaks are perfect for those with limited vacation days and can be incorporated with any local holidays.
  • Cost-effective: City breaks are generally cheaper than extended vacations, requiring fewer accommodation and meal expenses.
  • Variety: City breaks offer diverse activities and experiences, which means you can see more in a condensed period.
  • Flexibility: City breaks are easier to plan around work and personal commitments.
  • Low stress: City breaks require less planning compared to more extended vacations.

Tips for planning your city break

Effective planning can make your city break smooth and enjoyable. Here are some essential steps to make the most of your adventure:

Choose the right destination

Selecting the right destination is the cornerstone of a successful city break. The choice should align with your interests and preferences. For instance, cities like Rome or Athens may be perfect if you’re passionate about history and architecture. For food enthusiasts, cities like Paris or Barcelona, which are known for their culinary scenes, would be ideal.

city breaks

Additionally, always consider travel distance and budget. A closer destination might save on travel time and expenses, allowing you to make the most of your short trip. Also, consider what you want to experience—vibrant nightlife, serene parks, or bustling markets. A well-chosen destination sets the stage for a memorable city break.

Research and create an itinerary

Proper research can significantly enhance your city break experience. Start by looking into the top attractions and activities your chosen city offers. Travel blogs, official tourism websites, and social media can provide valuable insights. Pay attention to local cuisine. Knowing what and where to eat can elevate your overall experience.

Investigate transportation options within the city to plan your movements efficiently. Understanding cultural norms and local customs will help you blend in and avoid faux pas. Once you have gathered enough information, draft a flexible itinerary. Highlight must-see attractions and activities but leave room for spontaneous discoveries. A well-researched and thoughtfully planned itinerary ensures you don’t miss out on key experiences.

Book in advance

Booking in advance can save you time and money. Start with your travel arrangements—whether you’re flying or taking a train, booking early often results in better deals and more options. For accommodation, choose a place that is centrally located. This minimizes travel time within the city, giving you more time to explore.

Central locations also often have better access to public transportation and are closer to major attractions. When it comes to popular attractions, pre-booking tickets can save you from long queues and ensure you don’t miss out due to capacity limits. Early reservations help you secure the best options and streamline your city break.

Pack light

Packing smartly is crucial for a hassle-free city break. Given the short duration, I advise you to pack light. Focus on essentials—comfortable walking shoes are a must since you’ll likely be exploring on foot. Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions and pack weather-appropriate clothing. Don’t forget basic items like toiletries and any medications you might need.

Technology-wise, bring your phone, a camera for capturing memories, chargers, and an adapter if the destination uses different power outlets. A map or travel app will help you navigate the city, and having offline maps can be a lifesaver if you lose connectivity. Efficient packing ensures you have everything you need without being bogged down by unnecessary items.

Stay connected

Staying connected during your city break is convenient and practical. Ensure you can access mobile data to use maps, translation and travel apps, and stay in touch with family or friends. You can either get an international plan from your provider or buy a local SIM card upon arrival. Having a local SIM card can be cost-effective and provide better connectivity. You can also invest in an e-SIM, which is easy and convenient, as you don’t have to worry about actual SIM cards.

city breaks

Additionally, download maps and guides that can be accessed offline. This is particularly useful in areas with poor signal or if you want to conserve data. Being well-connected allows for easier navigation, quick access to information, and a smoother overall experience.

Activities to maximize your city break

The whole point of a city break is that it is short and it offers a break. You want to make sure that you make the most of your time while you’re there. Whether you’re looking for culture, cuisine, or simply a change of scenery, these tips work in any destination and reason for going in the first place.

Get out and explore your destination

Sightseeing is often the highlight of any city break. Start by visiting iconic landmarks that define the city’s character and history. Whether it’s the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Colosseum in Rome, or the Sagrada Família in Barcelona, these sites offer a glimpse into the city’s soul. Museums and galleries are excellent for immersing yourself in local culture and history.

They often house unique artifacts and art that provide deeper insights into the city’s past and present. Joining a walking tour can enhance your experience by providing context and stories behind the sites you visit, revealing hidden gems and lesser-known facts you might otherwise miss.

Take a walking tour

A walking tour is an excellent way to intimately get to know a city. Guided walking tours often provide valuable insights into a place’s history, culture, and architecture, with knowledgeable guides sharing stories and facts that you might miss on your own. Many cities offer themed tours, such as food tours, historical tours, or ghost tours, which can provide a unique perspective on the destination.

Additionally, walking tours allow you to explore areas that might be inaccessible by car or bus, such as narrow alleyways, hidden courtyards, and local neighbourhoods. They also offer the opportunity to ask questions and get recommendations from a local expert, enhancing your overall experience.

Sample local cuisine

Exploring local cuisine is a delightful way to experience a city. Start by dining at popular local restaurants known for their regional dishes. Research or ask locals for recommendations to ensure you’re trying the best the city has to offer. Street food is another exciting aspect—markets and food stalls often serve delicious and authentic dishes at budget-friendly prices.

city breaks

Participating in a food tour can be an excellent way to sample a variety of local flavours and learn about culinary traditions. Don’t forget to indulge in local beverages, whether wine in Italy, beer in Germany, or tea in Japan. Culinary exploration adds a flavorful dimension to your city break.

Indulge in a shopping outing

Shopping in a new city can be a rewarding experience. Start by looking for unique souvenirs that reflect the local culture and craftsmanship. These items make great keepsakes or gifts. Explore local boutiques and markets for one-of-a-kind finds. Markets often have a vibrant atmosphere and offer a variety of goods, from clothing and accessories to art and antiques. I love finding new stores that might have different things than those at home, and when I see something, I buy it. That can be a pair of pants, new shoes or a box of chocolates.

If you enjoy luxury brands and high-street shopping, visit malls and famous shopping streets. Each city has its own shopping vibe—whether it’s the vintage shops in Amsterdam, the designer boutiques in Paris, or the sprawling markets in Bangkok. Shopping can be a fun and immersive way to experience the local lifestyle. Plus, you might stumble upon a sale that you just can’t pass up on.

Dive into the nightlife

Experiencing the local nightlife is a fantastic way to see a different side of the city. Start with local bars and pubs to get a taste of the city’s social scene. These places often offer unique local brews and cocktails. Live music venues and theatres provide entertainment options that reflect the city’s cultural vibe.

Live performances, from jazz clubs in New Orleans to flamenco shows in Madrid, can be a memorable part of your trip. Consider a night tour to see the city illuminated and explore particularly vibrant areas after dark. Nightlife adds an exciting and dynamic dimension to your city break.

Relax and unwind

Sometimes, you just need to unwind and relax in a different place. Go for a walk in a park and local garden to enjoy some greenery and tranquillity. Cities like London and Tokyo have beautiful parks where you can spend a few hours walking around, reading or grabbing a snack.

Spas offer a perfect way to de-stress, so if you want more hands-on relaxation, indulge in a massage or a wellness treatment to rejuvenate. Cafés are also great for taking a break—find a cozy spot to enjoy a coffee, read, or simply people-watch. Whether it’s a quiet moment in a park or a leisurely afternoon in a café, incorporating relaxation into your itinerary ensures a balanced and enjoyable city break.

My fave destinations in Europe for city breaks

I’ve been to many places all over the world and it’s not easy to pick a favourite. These places have a special place in my heart, and I’ve enjoyed them as city breaks and as a solo traveller. For that reason, I think that makes them great destinations if you’re looking for a quick getaway and when you’re trying to get a feel for the country itself. Sometimes, city breaks are the best way to get a taste of a destination to help you decide if you want to return.

Paris, France

Paris, known as the City of Light, is a dream destination for many travellers and one of my favourite cities in the world. Its iconic landmarks, like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Louvre Museum, offer a mix of history, art and architectural beauty. The city’s charming streets, filled with cafés and boutiques, create a romantic and vibrant atmosphere.

city breaks

Paris is also a culinary haven, offering exquisite dining experiences from Michelin-starred restaurants to delightful street food. For a different perspective of the city’s beauty, don’t miss a Seine River cruise. With its rich cultural scene and timeless charm, Paris is an unforgettable city break destination. Plus, there are all those museums to keep you busy.

DON’T MISS OUT: Get a taste of Paris with a food tour, or find tickets to your fave museum in Paris

Rome, Italy

Rome, the Eternal City, is a treasure trove of history and culture. Its ancient ruins, such as the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Pantheon, offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. The Vatican City, home to St. Peter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, is a must-visit for art and history enthusiasts.

city breaks

Rome’s culinary scene is equally impressive, with many trattorias and gelaterias offering authentic Italian flavours. You’ll find countless historic sites and charming spots by strolling through the city’s picturesque streets and piazzas. Rome’s rich history, art, and cuisine make it a top choice for a city break. I love getting lost in Rome and never tire of wandering around the Eternal City.

BOOK NOW: Find the best food tours in Rome or treat yourself to a tour of the Colosseum

Vienna, Austria

Vienna, the capital of Austria, exudes elegance and charm. Known for its imperial history, stunning architecture and rich cultural scene, Vienna offers a perfect blend of historical and modern attractions. I could walk around for hours (and I did!) in Vienna and not get tired of it. It’s a stunning place and the perfect destination for architecture lovers and cultural vultures.

city breaks

Visit the grand Schönbrunn Palace, explore the historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and enjoy world-class performances at the Vienna State Opera. The city’s coffeehouse culture is legendary, making it an ideal destination for those who enjoy leisurely afternoons sipping coffee and indulging in pastries.

BEFORE YOU GO: Get tickets to your next new fave museum in Vienna, check out Vienna attractions

Riga, Latvia

Riga, the capital of Latvia, is a hidden gem in the Baltics. It has a beautiful blend of medieval architecture and vibrant modern culture. The city’s Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage site featuring stunning buildings like the House of the Blackheads and St. Peter’s Church. I couldn’t get enough of the architecture here, which totally blew my mind.

city breaks

Riga is also famous for its Art Nouveau architecture, with one of Europe’s largest collections of Art Nouveau buildings. The city’s lively market scenes, charming streets, and burgeoning culinary scene make it a fascinating destination for a city break. I loved Riga’s vibe, and I love telling others about this amazing city, as it deserves all the credit.

PLAN: Best things to do in Riga

San Sebastián, Spain

San Sebastián, located in the Basque Country of Spain, is a paradise for food lovers and beach enthusiasts. Renowned for its culinary excellence, the city is home to numerous Michelin-starred restaurants and offers an array of pintxos bars serving delicious bite-sized treats. Architecture is to die for, and there are plenty of opportunities for well-deserved “me time.”

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I loved my time in San Sebastian. I hiked the viewpoints, walked along the beach, wandered the narrow streets and indulged in fantastic food. I even treated myself to a mani-pedi on a rainy day and stuffed my face with the famous baque cheesecake. It was an amazing place to explore. San Sebastián also hosts various cultural events and festivals, making it an exciting and dynamic destination for a short getaway.

PRO TIP: Find your San Sebastian walking tour before you go!


City breaks are an excellent way to experience the best a destination has to offer in a short amount of time. With careful planning, you can maximize your visit and get the break you deserve. For me, city breaks are about adventure, inspiration and some me time. I love the change in scenery and the excitement of exploring a new place and getting recharged. I also see it as an opportunity to learn about a place and decide if I’d like to return for a longer stay or at all.

So, whether you’re looking for a solo trip, a getaway with your special someone, or an adventure with your friends, there is a city with your name on it. You can also arrange your vacation to accommodate several city breaks into your schedule instead of staying in one place. Whatever option. you choose, I hope you have a great one. Happy travelling!

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